Monday, March 1, 2010

First actual art post - what exactly is it that I do?

So, in case you might've heard, I consider myself an art student. Not ARTIST. No, nowhere near an artist. I create art, but lord knows I have so much to learn and calling myself an artist at this point is just vapid vain and stupid. (I just love the word "vapid." Forgive me if it's not exactly the right usage of it... given the context).

So, here is the basic stuff that I do...

FIRST! Quote-enquote "Real Art."

(If I call it "Real Art," most likely it is either observational or, even more likely, required for a class at school).

And of course, can't forget the 5-hour long nudie poses:

(More examples can be found at this here art portfolio site of mine)

SECOND! "My" Art, which a strong emphasis on "My."

I know there shouldn't be a difference - my school art should be "my" art too, but it doesn't feel like that. I could rant and rave about my terrible experience at this here art school... but I'm WAY too tired at this point to... and I have an 8am.

Lemme just say this... I wish my teacher would just give us the opportunity to do fugging gesture drawings.

So, what is "My art?"

"My art" is several things:

a) My fanart

Nerdy things like Avatar: The Last Airbender.... (Zuko.... :3 Siiiigh...)

And... my Robbie-Poo... ~^___^~

(See more on my deviantart)

b) My sketches that I do while wandering around.... (GESTURE DRAWINGS BIZNATCHES!)
....which I don't have pictures of at the moment....

c) Artsy pieces that my teachers would probably scoff/deride me for (not that they don't already, those effing self-centered egotistical---HAPPY PLACE!!!)

Stuff like....

or this

And, bizarrely enough...

d) self-portraits

I don't count self portraits among "real art," because I do them above and beyond the call of schoolwork-duty (tee hee, doodie). I don't do them because I'm vain or anything - quite the opposite, I have terrible self-esteem and I only put up with myself because giving up on myself pretty much means dying in a very not-cool way. Drawing myself is a means of meditation and reflection and stuff.... (also, I can't stand asking my friends to sit still for me XD)


Oh ho, you see, this blog title? It's called "Creatively Messy," and "Creative" encompasses SO MUCH!!!

Not ONLY do I do art. I also love music, writing, and crafts of all kinds.

I know how to knit and embroider and scrapbook and all that jazz. (I usually get distracted or forget about my project halfway through though XD). BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS I TRY!!! (and as result, I have BOXES of craft stuff all over my room.... one day.... one day.... I will have... a CRAFT ROOM (slash art studio)).

Now: writing.

I'm apparently pretty good because people keep sticking around to read about Robin of the Teen Titans being tortured to insanity by the Joker and all the Titans basically nearly dying time and again trying to save him.... PEOPLE JUST EAT THAT STUFF UP!!! Who woulda thought???? (I would, because I eat that stuff up, and is, sadly, very dry when it comes to such awesomeness... it's all stupid fricken romancy shippy gross stuff written by 13-year-olds with no proper education whatsoever.... or at least sounds that way.... BLECH!)

If you're interested, check out Teen Titans: Revenge of the Joker.

And last but not least,

I plaaaaaaaaaaay muuuuuuuuuusic!!

This past October, I bought a ukulele, and have been teaching myself, and I even went slightly Julia Nunes and posted the fruits of my labor(?) on youtube. XD This is my latest one here:

In my past, I have also played in a steel drum band, and played viola, clarinet, and self-taught piano (which I admittedly suck at, but I CAN play two Inuyasha theme songs).

Anywho, that's me.

Any questions?

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