Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can Haz Letter Now?!

So, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting....

for the postman

to give me that letter

the one with the Calarts letterhead.

At this point, I don't even care whether it's an acceptance or a rejection (*lie*), I just WANT TO KNOW RIGHT NOW!!a

At the AnimatedBuzz forums, people are receiving their letters - some rejections, now some acceptances, and me? I just get coupons. EFFING COUPONS!! Coupons can die.

I don't really expect to get in... I mean, I really really want to believe I can, but at the same time, I would much rather expect rejection and either have those expectations met, or be pleasantly surprised, than to expect acceptance and either simply have those expectations met, or be HORRIBLY AND IRREVERSIBLY DISAPPOINTED!!!! Cuz, honestly, that's the worst.

I want to make these posts interesting by adding pictures.... but I don't got any, sorry. XD

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