Sunday, April 4, 2010

Random sketchbook drawings!!

I finally got my scanner up and running, so I thought I'd share a few pics from one of my three sketchbooks!!!

(Interesting fact about me -- I feel like I always need a sketchbook, but I'm also incredibly messy and incredibly forgetful. I'll often misplace my sketchbook in my pigpen apartment, and after a few days going crazy, finally go out and buy a new one.... and then find the old one again. XD So yes, I have three active sketchbooks right now, which is nice after a couple years of MAYBE having one...)

First, I drew this while I was at Calarts, after coming to California from snowy Northern Arizona and seeing all the students lounging on the grass -- something we haven't been able to do at NAU since Winterpocalypse began back in November or earlier.

I'm seriously proud of that picture. It's so.... not typical of me. XD A background? Say waaaaah?

And this is me after the "Epic Art School Visiting Adventure of Spring Break 2010" trip, when we had to drive down to Phoenix for my boyfriend's fancy-doctor appointment. I. Really. Did. Not. Want. To. Go. XD Thankfully, he drove.

Other random sketchbook images....

My friend Eric making his signature "...really...?" face

My roommate Alyssa, doing what she does, and her cat Quiz, doing what he does.

Some random anime chick I drew when I was SERIOUSLY bored during a psych class. (I can tell it was a psych class cuz I recognize the table I have her sitting at as one of the lecture rooms in the Social and Behavioral Sciences building)

And, last week we had a Japanese group visiting us, all the way from (guess where?) Japan. (Sendai, to be exact). I've recently been LOVING to draw sucky little journal pages (a la Angela Mellick of Wasted Talent and Erica Moen of DAR)

(My comics definitely leave a LOT to be desired, but if I decide I want to do one, I have to crank it out RIGHT AWAY!! or else I forget, because my memory blows.....)


In other news, I have fallen in love with TWO THINGS!!!

1) Lolita Fashion! ^3^ (You have Futurama Assistant Director Aimee Major Steinberger to blame for this!)

Come on! How adorably cute is that?!?!? :3 It's the cutest thing EVAR is what it is!!!! Too bad it costs oodles of money to get into... -_-

2) Keep Calm and Carry On posters.... and spoofs thereof! XD

I would love to start a collection of them! XD Wouldn't that be swell?? (Again, money....)

That's all I got tonight children. My senior BFA show is in TWO WEEKS! (omg...). I'll be taking pictures of all my finished art pieces and posting them for your enjoyment.

Best wishes!

1 comment:

  1. I read Aimee Major's journal too! I've been following it for a couple of years. I feel like such a stalker. XD
